Nicola's Bookshelf
Friday, 16 December 2011
My Work in Progress
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Review of "The Guardian Angel's Journal" by Carolyn Jess-Cooke

Monday, 5 December 2011
My Very First Post
So – this is my first blog post – and I’m nervous!
I am a North East librarian who shares my life with many animals – rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, hamsters and degus! In my spare time, of course, I love to read and I also enjoy writing. One day I would like to be a writer.
So what is this blog about? Well, me I suppose, but that’s pretty boring. This blog will be about reading – what I enjoy reading, my venture into eBooks, things I’ve noticed doing research as part of my job – and writing – my ‘journey’ as a writer.
I will read pretty much anything – chick lit, crime, thrillers, fantasy, YA – I’ll give any book a try.
My writing is, I suppose, a modernisation of classic stories, fact and fiction. At college I did some work on modern versions of fairy tales and a modern twist on the vampire story. My ‘work in progress’ – which is slowly shaping itself into a novel – is a modernisation of the Tudor story.
Now that my cards are on the table, so to speak, please let me know what you want from me and what you're interested in hearing from me.