Friday, 16 December 2011

My Work in Progress

So I guess now that I've told you I'm a writer, it's time for me to tell you all about my work in progress. I have already written a novel and a half and a fragment of a third, so I guess this is my fourth attempt - but it's the only one I feel is up to much!

This book is about Henry VIII and his six wives, but in a modern day setting. I have always been fascinated with the Tudor royal family, these incredibly strong women all with such different voices and experiences, all linked by this one man. You can't help but think if a man had six wives and two daughters who he treated the way Henry VIII treated the women in his life, how would people react to it? So I decided to write a book about that, bringing these strong voices forward into the 21st century and 'translating' their experiences into modern ones.

I have just over 51,000 words - of course it needs some serious redrafting and of course it might never see the light of day! If anyone is interested in reading the first couple of chapters I'm happy to send you over a PDF for your opinions.


  1. This sounds like a really interesting idea. Best of luck with it! :)

  2. Sounds fascinating...and plausible these days too!

  3. Thank you very much Emma and Lisa!

  4. great potential there - difficult to I should imagine to transfer from what was acceptable then to now - look foward to hearing about your progress - best of luck

  5. Thank you. It is difficult but a lot of it still rings true today which is quite scary really!

  6. Thia sounds really interesting, I am fascinated by the Tudors!

  7. This sounds fascinating! I too adore the Tudor family and would love to read this story! :)


Any comments are greatly appreciated :) thank you for taking the time to read my blog.